
Electronic Arts surprisingly confirmed the title of Dragon Age 4. Bioware’s RPG comes to market as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf and will be revealed later this year. As we now know, the name was hinted at years ago when people referred to Dragon Age 4 with hashtags like “#TheDreadWolfRises”. It wasn’t given much thought back then, nor when it featured Solas, a powerful villain in the game known as the Dreadwolf and in Inquisition Fen’Harel, the lord of crooks and elven god of treachery.

“Solas, the dire wolf. Some say he may be an ancient elven god, but some say the opposite. Others say he is a traitor to his people… or a savior who now wants to save them at the expense of your world. His motives are inscrutable and his methods sometimes questionable, earning him a reputation as a cheat god – a gambler of dark and dangerous games.”

Dragon Age 4: release within 18 months?

“Whether you’re new to Dragon Age history or you’ve seen it all, Solas’ namesake undoubtedly suggests a spectrum of endless possibilities for where things could go. But, like any previous game, the focus is on you. If you’re new to Dragon Age, don’t worry you haven’t met our antagonist, he’ll properly introduce himself when the time comes, but we hinted at his return when we announced #TheDreadWolfRises back in 2018. “

“We suspect you have questions and they will be answered in time. The game may not be out this year, but the next adventure is fast approaching. Rest assured that this is the moment when Solas is placing his pieces on the game board That’s all we know for now, but we hope the announcement of the official title has piqued curiosity as we’ll be sharing more about the game later this year!”

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Of course, the announcement caused a stir, also in the fan base. In any case, it should quickly become clear that Bioware also wants to take newcomers with it. At the same time, the balancing act will be attempted to pick up veterans and make them feel at home. The purple logo is already causing some speculation among Dragon Age connoisseurs. The filename also starts with “Mor”, which reminds some of Morrigan, the renegade witch of the wild. According to Jeff Grubb, a release will be by Venture beat expected for late 2023.

Source: organic goods

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