
It’s a small thing, but it’s still very important: The Microsoft Store (for the time being only in the web version) shows the date when an app was last updated.

Right, that’s a given, and anyone who doesn’t know the story will wonder why this is news, so a quick explanation: The Microsoft Store didn’t develop on Windows the way Microsoft had imagined. Of the few apps that existed, many were no longer maintained because developers lost interest. So Microsoft decided to hide this fact by simply not showing the last modified date anymore.

There’s a bit more “history” here: Ten Years of the Microsoft Store: Taking Stock

A new one has been available for a few weeks web version of the Microsoft Store, this now shows the date of the last change again, and even quite prominently at the top right:

Microsoft Store shows date of last app update

The “before” is a translation error, of course it should be “on”. The display is also a bit buggy and shows “1. January 1″. The apps in the store aren’t that old either, but that’s probably why the store app in Windows 10 and Windows 11 doesn’t show the date yet.

The reason for the reintroduction is probably the same as for the abolition: apart from the incorrect entries, there is no app on the start page that has not yet been updated in 2022. The “corpses” are still there, but they don’t stand out as much because there are enough “living” apps in the store.

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The post Microsoft Store: Date of the last update of an app is visible again appeared first on Gamingsym.