
According to a new study from Mozilla, apps for mental health have poorer privacy protection than most other types of apps, Jen Caltrider from Mozilla says “the vast majority of mental health and prayer apps are exceptionally creepy. They track, share, and capitalize on users” most intimate personal thoughts and feelings, like moods, mental state, and biometric data. ” The apps are of course meant to treat various sensitive problems with users’ mental health, but thus collect data about these under vague privacy policies. Most apps also had poor security and allowed users to create accounts with weak passwords, for example.

In its latest guide, Mozilla has analyzed 32 different apps for better mental health and of these, 29 received a warning that says “privacy not included” – meaning that it is not very good at all when it comes to its users’ privacy. The apps with the worst protection are Better Help, Youper, Woebot, Better Stop Suicide, Pray.com and Talkspace.


Mobile, Apps,

mozilla, mental health, integrity, bad, examination

Thanks to Moz

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