Thank you IT home netizens OC_Formula The clue is delivered!

IT House news on June 3, Steam announced the results of the hardware and software survey in May, and the share of Win11 continued to rise,Breaking 20% ​​for the first time.

From the graphics card point of view,GTX 1060 still ranks firstthe share has increased slightly from the previous month, reaching 7.17%; the share of the RTX 30 series is also slowly rising, and the share of the RTX 3060 notebook graphics card has reached 2.68%.

IT Home understands that in terms of processors, under Windows systems, AMD processor share rose 1.24% in Maycurrently reaching 32.8%; Intel dropped 1.23%, accounting for 67.19%.

On Apple’s side, the share of Macs equipped with self-developed processors continues to increase, and the proportion in the Mac camp has reached 40.74%.

Linux system camp,AMD processor share jumped 4.22% in Mayrose to 46.28%.

In general, Win10 64-bit is still the most used system by Steam users, with 16GB of memory accounting for over 50%.6-core CPUs are expected to surpass 4-core CPUs next month.

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