IT House news on June 3, Steam announced the results of the hardware and software survey in May, and the share of Win11 continued to rise,Breaking 20% for the first time.
From the graphics card point of view,GTX 1060 still ranks firstthe share has increased slightly from the previous month, reaching 7.17%; the share of the RTX 30 series is also slowly rising, and the share of the RTX 3060 notebook graphics card has reached 2.68%.
IT Home understands that in terms of processors, under Windows systems, AMD processor share rose 1.24% in Maycurrently reaching 32.8%; Intel dropped 1.23%, accounting for 67.19%.
On Apple’s side, the share of Macs equipped with self-developed processors continues to increase, and the proportion in the Mac camp has reached 40.74%.
Linux system camp,AMD processor share jumped 4.22% in Mayrose to 46.28%.
In general, Win10 64-bit is still the most used system by Steam users, with 16GB of memory accounting for over 50%.6-core CPUs are expected to surpass 4-core CPUs next month.
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