
The company Adamant Namiki Precision Jewel and the Japanese Saga University have succeeded in producing diamond chips which could be used to store large amounts of data.

It has previously been known that it was possible to store data on diamond chips, but it has been difficult to manufacture these in sizes that are suitable for storage. Now, however, a technology has been developed to make even slightly larger diamond chips with the degree of purity needed to store data on them. The chip they have developed has a diameter of about 55 millimeters. According to the researchers, it would be possible to store as much data as can hold one billion Blu-Ray discs, about 25 exabytes, on a single one of their diamond chips.

Adamant Namiki Precision Jewel plans to commercialize its diamond chip storage technology next year. However, the technology seems to be primarily developed for quantum computers, so it will probably take a while before we get storage options like these in our own computers and mobile phones.


Science, Research,

storage, diamonds, quantum storage, quantum memory

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