
Embracer Group, a sprawling company with numerous publishers and studios (Koch Media, THQ Nordic, Saber Interactive, Gearbox, 3D Realms, etc…), released a statement announcing the acquisition of Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montreal, Square Enix Montreal, as well as their catalogs of licenses, for the modest sum of 300 million dollars. The announcement clearly mentions some famous series, such as Tomb Raider or Legacy of Kain, but especially Deus Ex and Thief. This last name should bring back good memories to old veterans of the FPS and makes us dream of a possible return of our favorite thief.

Embracer recovers at the same time about 1100 employees. The holding is therefore now made up of more than 14,000 employees (including 10,000 developers) and 124 development studios. Currently, more than 230 games are in production there, including 30 AAA ones. It’s no joke at Embracer…

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