
Quantities of offshore wind power projects are being tested in the permit phase. Even more is planned later, shows a compilation made by Svensk Vindenergi.

At present, there are offshore wind farms corresponding to 67 terawatt hours (TWh) during the permit phase, projects that could be taken into use in six years if the permit processes are streamlined, according to Swedish Wind Energy.

This corresponds to almost half of today’s annual total electricity consumption in Sweden of 140 TWh.

“It is not the construction phase that takes time, but the permit phase that is the big bottleneck in the expansion of offshore wind power, regardless of whether the expansion takes place near land where the municipality has a veto or further out in what is called an economic zone,” the industry association writes in a press release. .

In total, there are plans, many at a very early stage, for offshore wind power projects of 366 TWh.

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