
Just like in reality !?

In recent years, Supermassive Games has worked hard on its The Dark Picturesanthology, whose first season ends with The Devil in Me which will be released later this year with Oscar brilliance.

Before that, June 10, it’s time for the thematic sequel to the studio’s celebration Until Dawn. The Quarry is significantly fuller than the anthology games and comes with “186 unique end”. Exactly how unique they will be, we will have reason to return to, but it is clear that you will have the opportunity to regret the (inevitable) mistakes. Will Byles, director, tells Segment Next about one “Death Rewind”-mechanics.

Death Rewind is a retry mechanic that unlocks after you’ve gone through the story, or if you purchase the Deluxe Edition of the game. You’re essentially granted three ‘lives’ that enable you to avoid a character death at the cost of using one of the lives. You’ll be taken back to the moment you made a critical choice that results in the character’s death so that you can make a different choice.

A kind of mud insurance, in short. Can probably benefit some of us.

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