
Beijing time on May 3 news, “the father of iPod” Tony Fadell (Tony Fadell) in an interview with broadcaster Tim Ferriss (Tim Ferriss) said that even during vacation, Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) Jobs) also doesn’t stop the brain from thinking, brainstorming for his team 5-6 times a day.

“Even during the sabbatical, Jobs was thinking about new products, new directions for Apple, new technologies, and he used the sabbatical as a way to expand his mind and get out of Apple’s day-to-day business,” Fadell said.

Even while Jobs was on vacation, Fadell said the Apple team answered “5-6” calls a day from Jobs during reasonable working hours, but sometimes he didn’t make a call.

Fadell said,Jobs usually takes time off at 1 or 2 places he likes.

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