
The EU’s three legislative bodies are close to agreeing on the bill that could force manufacturers of many technology gadgets to use USB-C, reports Reuters.

As early as Tuesday 7 June, a final piece of legislation can be ready and approved in principle by Parliament, the Commission and the Council of Ministers. Some remaining points will be discussed at a general meeting on Tuesday. Among other things, legislators want laptops to be included in the law.

Also wants to harmonize wireless charging to a common standard by 2025, while the Commission and the Council of Ministers propose a slower introduction on technical grounds;

As the bill looks today, manufacturers of mobile phones, digital cameras, tablets, wireless headphones and speakers that are charged or supplied with power via cable must equip the products with a USB-C connector. Smaller products such as smartwatches and activity bracelets are excluded.

Apple has reportedly already started testing an Iphone with usb-c.

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