
IT House June 3 news, Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted that the second Tesla AI Day (Artificial Intelligence Day) event was postponed until September 30there may be a humanoid robot Optimus (Optimus)Prototyperun.

IT House understands that the event was originally scheduled to be held on August 19. Musk has said on Twitter that the purpose of the AI ​​Day event is to convince excellent artificial intelligence, software or chip talents to join Tesla.

Speaking at TED in April, Musk estimated that Tesla would show off an “interesting prototype” of the Optimus robot sometime this year, and that “there might be something useful” by 2023. He predicts that Tesla will see an expansion of its humanoid robot program within the next two years. Around 2025, Musk believes that the utility of Optimus Prime will increase rapidly year by year.

As the useful functions of humanoid robots expand, Musk believes that Tesla will see costs come down while Tesla mass-produces Optimus robots. As for the price of the Optimus Prime robot, Elon Musk said this:“I don’t think the cost is actually going to be ridiculously high, like lower than a car.”

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