
FaradayFuture (FF) announced that it has selected Cerence’s artificial intelligence-driven TTS technology to provide natural voice human-computer interaction capabilities for the FF91’s in-car assistant.

In addition, FF will use Cerence’s advanced speech signal enhancement technology (SSE),Noise from the microphone input can be eliminated for clearer and smoother communication between the driver and the FF91.

According to FF, this technology enables in-vehicle assistants to realize real-life voice dialogue functions, thus providing users with in-vehicle assistants listening, understanding and responding in real dialogue scenarios.

In addition, Cerence SSE speech signal enhancement technology will be integrated with FF’s speech recognition and natural language understanding engine to make driver and passenger input clearly legible. Cerence SSE is a comprehensive, hardware- and operating-system-adaptive sound processing technology that can significantly improve speech recognition and communication in noisy environments such as vehicle driving. By eliminating noise, echoes and distractions from the driver’s voice, Cerence SSE works with the FF91’s in-vehicle assistant to help drivers communicate with the vehicle at a higher quality, improving driver safety, comfort and productivity.

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