
Today (June 2) Sony announced that actress Isabella Merced (“Transformers 5”) will join the new comic superhero film “Mrs. Spider”. Which role she will play is currently unknown. “Mrs. Spider” is the first superhero movie to feature a female protagonist in the Sony Marvel Character Universe. Directed by S.J. Clarkson, written by Matt Sazma & Burke Sharpless, starring Dakota Johnson, Sydney Sweeney and Celeste O’Connor. It is scheduled to be released in North America on July 7, 2023. In the “Mrs. Spider” comics, Madame Spider’s real name is Cassandra Weber, a paralyzed blind man with limited mobility and difficulty breathing, living on a system that looks like a spider’s web. Possesses foreknowledge and telepathy. She uses Spider-Man to help her find a magic weapon to cure her disease, and she is cured and young again. The movie version of “Mrs. Spider” may adapt this setting, and she has .
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