
With the continuous support of Intel and AMD, this year is undoubtedly the year of DDR5 memory explosion, and the frequency is getting higher and higher. Corsair has now launched Dominator Platinum RGB series memory, the frequency has rushed to DDR5-6600, and the timing is only CL32 , and finally made the DDR5 memory latency exceed 10ns (nanoseconds) for the first time.

Corsair’s memory is a 2x16GB set, supports Intel XMP 3.0, voltage 1.4V,There are 2 options for timing, one is CL32-39-39-76, which has lower latency, and the other is CL40-40-40-77, which has better compatibility.

For DDR5 memory, many players feel that when the frequency is increased, the CL timing is higher, and they will feel uncomfortable, but it is time that determines the memory delay, not only the timing, but also the frequency and timing.

Under the Corsair DDR5-6600 frequency and CL32 timing,The delay of this set of memory has reached 9.69ns, which is the first time that the DDR5 memory has exceeded the 10ns mark.Although some manufacturers have introduced high-frequency or low-timing DDR5 memory before, it is very difficult to do this.

In addition to ultra-low latency, the Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB series memory also supports RGB belief lights, etc., which is also difficult to beat in appearance.

The last thing is the price. With such powerful performance, this Dominator Platinum RGB series 32GB memory is naturally not cheap. The price of the 32GB regular version is around 200 euros.The price of this set is 494.99 euros, or about 3541 yuan,This is not the final National Bank price, it is easily more than 4000.

The delay is less than 10ns for the first time, Corsair launches DDR5-6000 memory: 3500 yuan for a pair

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Hashtag: DDR5 memory pirate ship

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