
IT House May 2 news, Microsoft has released Windows 11 Build 22610, which contains a large number of bug fixes, improvements and some new design features, including support for accent colors in the Task Manager.Also, this preview is on the desktopNo “Technology Preview” watermarkwhich indicates that the RTM version of 22H2 will be completed soon.

The disappearance of the watermark means that Microsoft will begin reviewing the final code in preparation for the release of the next unnamed update to Windows 11.Windows 11 22H2 release time, according to Windows LatestpossibleA bit earlier than traditional feature updates released in October or November.

Microsoft has released a new update on the Dev and Beta channels with a ton of improvements. This won’t be the last preview build, though, and more improvements will follow before the RTM release.

IT Home has learned that Windows 11 Build 22610 fixes a large number of bugs, including instability in the taskbar, various problems with File Explorer, and repeated crashes of Explorer.exe.

In addition, the new version of the task manager also adopts a colorful new look, supports dark mode, and can also match the system accent color for a more consistent experience on Windows 11.

It’s unclear when File Explorer’s tabs feature will go live, and Microsoft is still testing a new sidebar design for it, so these improvements can be expected.

Although Windows 11 22H2 will include many improvements, it still lacks some features compared to Windows 10, such as ungrouping taskbar icons.

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The post It is revealed that the release time of Microsoft’s Win11 22H2 “Sun Valley 2” has been finalized, and it will be pushed earlier than usual – yqqlm appeared first on Gamingsym.