
Recently, there will be frequent events in southern cities. In the morning, we reported that the ancient city of Phoenix suffered a heavy rainstorm and the Tuojiang River rose.

a paragraphLatest VideosIt shows the exaggerated degree of the rainstorm that occurred in Qiubei County, Wenshan Prefecture, southeastern Yunnan on May 27.

Under the surveillance video screen,In less than 5 minutes, the water flooded from the ground through the windows, causing the houses to be flooded. Some villagers recalled that they had never seen such a heavy rain. At that time, they slept to death, and the bed floated up after the physical water ingress. They realized that they quickly rescued themselves.

Some villagers also recalled the mudslides accompanied by the rainstorm. In the early morning of the 27th, they heard a lot of noise, and the old cows in the cattle pen were so frightened that they screamed and jumped.

Previously, statistics from the Yunnan Meteorological Department showed that, affected by the low pressure and shear line in the Bay of Bengal, from May 26 to 27, Zhaotong, Kunming, Qujing, eastern Honghe, Wenshan, eastern Lijiang, western Nujiang, northern Baoshan, and northern Dehong There will be moderate to heavy rain, local heavy rain and heavy rain.

From 08:00 on May 26 to 08:00 on May 28, there were 14 stations with accumulated precipitation exceeding 100 mm in Yunnan Province, the largest recorded at Badaoshao, Qiubei County, 170.5 mm.

At 5:00 on the 27th, the local level I emergency response to heavy rainstorms was launched. It is reported that the local area is making every effort to carry out rescue and disaster relief work.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Wan Nanarticle error correction

Hashtag: rainstorm flood in Yunnan

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