
Genshin Impact ya ha estrenado esta semana su versin 2.7 “Sueos en las profundidades” y, como ya nos tiene acostumbrados, el ttulo free to play de HoYoverse ir receiving almost a month of new events and gachapn to animate the atmosphere between the community of players. Users can enjoy many novedadesa continuacin te mostramos los eventos event planned de the first part of verse 2.7 which he had given to know, sus fechas y caractersticas principales.

Gachapn Revelacin enigmtica

  • Duracin del gachapn: from the launch of version 2.7 until June 21, 2022 at 17:59.

Mientras is active, thanks to this gachapn tendrs ms probabilities of obtaining al Exclusive character of 5 stars Yelan, “la Orqudea del Valle” (Hydro). Tambin also increased the probability of winning a Brbara, Yanfei and Noelle, both of 4 stars. Cabe mentions that the exclusive characters no sern aididos al gachapn permanent Pasin to travel.

Gachapn Invitacin al mundo mortal

  • Duracin del gachapn: from the launch of version 2.7 until June 21, 2022 at 17:59.

Mientras is active, thanks to this gachapn tendrs ms probabilities of obtaining al Exclusive character of 5 stars Xiao, “el Guardin Yaksha” (Anemo). Tambin also increased the probability of winning a Brbara, Yanfei and Noelle, both of 4 stars. Cabe mentions that the exclusive characters no sern aididos al gachapn permanent Pasin to travel.

Gachapn Encarnacin divina

  • Duracin del gachapn: from the launch of version 2.7 until June 21, 2022 at 17:59.

Mientras is active, thanks to this gachapn tendrs ms probabilities of obtaining the exclusive army of 5 stars Aqua Simulacra (arco) y Halcn de Jade (lanza), y las armas Lanza Ltica (lanza), Espada de Sacrificio (espada ligera), Gran espada de Favonius (mandoble), Ojo de la Perspicacia (catalizador) y Espada de Sacrificio (arco), todas de 4 estrellas.

Evento Senderos peligrosos

During the event tendrs que ir a la Sima para investigar el enigma which is expressed in the subset and completes the different challenges of the event to consume Protogemas, Crowns of Sability, Army ascension materials and much ms. If the challenges of the strategic territory podrs obtener el arma Desvanecimiento del Crepsculo (arco).

Misin de Arconte – Senderos peligrosos

  • Event duration: permanently available after the release of version 2.7.
  • Requirements to unblock: has completed the legendary mission of the Shogun Raiden Imperatrix Umbrosa, act II Sueo efmeros, the legendary legend of Arataki Itto Taurus Iracundus, act I Alma de oro, the mission of Arconte Captulo I, act III, A new star in ascension and the world missions dnde cayeron las rocas espritu? y Tetera, dulce tetera (I).

Go to the Rango de Aventura required and complete the previous missions, before accessing the miss of Arconte Intermedio, Acto II “Senderos peligrosos”.

Misin legendaria: Umbrabilis Orchis

  • Event duration: permanently available after the release of version 2.7.
  • Requirements to unblock: Rango de Aventura 40 o superior, has completed the mission of Arconte Intermedio, Acto II “Senderos peligrosos” and has completed the legendary mission of Ganyu Sinae Unicornis, acto I Mar de nubes, mar de humanos.

Learn more about Rango de Aventura required and complete the previous missions, below using Legendary Llaves for unblock this legend legend.

Event Sublime and Glorious Gran Festival of Tambores de Arataki

  • Event duration: from 13 June 2022 to 10:00 until 20 June 2022 at 03:59.
  • Requirements to unblock: Rango de Aventura 30 o superior, haber completed the mission of Arconte The skin plan of Ritou.

During the event dirgete al Gran Festival of Tambores de Arataki y toca canciones con el pequeo tambor que te regal Arataki Itto. Complete the challenge and podrs obtener el Sublime y glorioso tambor de AratakiProtogemas y ms recompensas.

Package of support for the adventurer

The following package packages are available from the release of version 2.7 until June 15th from 2022 to 23:59:

  • Adventure Package Package: mora x150.000 y packet of package x25 (requisites of purchase have increased the rank of adventure 25 or superior). 10% discount for a limited time.
  • Adventure Giant Mineral Package: mora x100.000 y mineral de refinamiento mstico x100 (requisitos de compra haber alcanzado el rango de aventura 25 o superior). 10% discount for a limited time.

Crepsculo of the depths

  • Duracin: from the launch of version 2.7 until July 11, 2022 at 03:59.
  • Participation requirements: haber alcanzado el Rango de aventura 20 o superior.

During this event podrs obtener generosas recompensas en los Pases de Batalla. Unlock the battle scene of Gnstico or the PB Himno de la Perla, and obtn Destinos entrelazados, and an army of 4 stars, breathe of other rewards as an exclusive ticket and the decoration plan Gra de mampostera Muevemontaas.

We record that pods visit our complete gua to know them best tips and tricks of the HoYoverse game. Genshin Impact is a JRPG and Rol free to play available in PC, PS4, PS5, and Android and iOS devices (almost in Switch). If you want to contact me please do not hesitate to read our analysis.

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