Thank you IT home netizens JF_Z The clue is delivered!

IT House reported on June 2 that AYANEO has now announced the AYANEO 2 series handhelds, which are divided into AYANEO 2 and AYANEO 2 GEEK, the latter being positioned more closely to the people.

official introduction,AYANEO 2 and AYANEO 2 GEEK handhelds are equipped with a 7-inch screen, optional 800p and 1200p, the CPU is the Ryzen 6000U series, and the highest optional R7 6800UStandard 16GB memory, SSD optional 512GB to 2TB.

In terms of price,AYANEO 2 GEEK 6600U with community early bird price starting at 4099 yuan, 6800U with community early bird price starting at 4788 yuan.

Officially, AYANEO 2 GEEK and AYANEO 2 have the same configuration in terms of CPU, but lack some black technology or some value-added functions. AYANEO 2 is a bezel-less full screen with a whole piece of glass on the front. AYANEO 2 GEEK is a narrow bezel screen, and the whole machine is relatively lighter. AYANEO 2 uses a large Hall rocker, AYANEO 2 GEEK uses a small Hall rocker, and both have Hall triggers. AYANEO 2 has a number of world-first black technologies, which will be announced at future conferences.

The detailed configuration of AYANEO 2 and AYANEO 2 GEEK handheld is as follows:

In addition, AYANEO also launched the price information of AYANEO AIR PLUS equipped with Pentium 8505 processor and i3-1215U processor, starting from 1388 yuan and 1688 yuan respectively. Models with AMD’s new Mendocino APUs start at $1,588.

IT Home understands that pre-orders for this series of handhelds are about to open.

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