
The rollplay The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt stands by the cosplay community continue to be very popular. This is proven not least by the latest work of the disguise artist “Airelle”, who is known on Reddit.com under the username “sedokovair_cosplay”. Your published image is definitive for a number of reasons a closer look worth.

Impressive Yennefer cosplay from The Witcher 3

The artist has become the magician Yennefer of Vengerberg used as a template for her latest cosplay. In many working hours she has tailored a suitable costume that is absolutely impressive. Thanks to the many ornaments and the good eye for small details, it looks good confusingly similar to the original and brings Yennefer from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to life. This will pass the waiting time until Season 3 of the Witcher series starts on Netflix.

But the image posted to Reddit.com is worth seeing for another reason. So the cosplayer doesn’t just have one matching background chosen for the shoot, but afterwards some nice effects built-in. These reinforce the impression that Yennefer von Vengerberg is a very powerful magician. Incidentally, “Arielle” had previously had other cosplays such as as Crystal Maiden from Dota 2 or Black Cat from the Marvel Universe caused a stir. So she is no blank slate in the community.

The post You would be enchanted by this cosplay of Yennefer from Witcher 3 appeared first on Gamingsym.