In the past two years in the Internet technology circle, it can be said that the thunder is loud and the rain is heavy. Take several Internet technology giants in the United States as an example. For example, Facebook has changed its name to Meta, and is preparing to enter the metaverse and go to the virtual world to find a wave of gold. Microsoft also acquired Blizzard, and while running its own ToB basic business, it plans to conquer the city in games and home entertainment. Apple is tinkering with chips, while Alphabet continues to invest in AI, and spends money on cutting-edge technologies such as medicine, new materials, and biology. But at the same time, people don’t seem to know much about the big Internet companies in China. The bad reviewer asked some colleagues in the editorial department, and most of the answers he got were: the major domestic manufacturers are all building cars and shopping for vegetables. It can only be said that this answer is not completely correct, and even a bit one-sided. . . And today, the poor reviewer is going to combine the annual reports issued by the big manufacturers to talk about what the Internet giants in China are doing. Whether you like it or not, when it comes to Internet giants, Tencent is definitely the one that cannot be avoided. When it comes to Tencent, everyone will definitely blurt out: games and communications. That’s right, the games in it have always been the .
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