
Today, the international server of the mobile game “Diablo: Immortal”, which has attracted much attention from players, has finally opened for download. At present, the iOS and Android versions of “Diablo: Immortal” have been unlocked overseas one after another. In addition to the 2.41GB of the game package, players also need to download an additional 1.9GB of data. Compared with the current mobile games that are soaring to 5GB or even 10GB, the volume of “Diablo: Immortal” is indeed not large, which may indicate that it has a certain compromise on the screen. According to the official information provided by Blizzard in previous interviews, the main campaign of “Darkness: Immortal” will be about 20 hours long, and more new content is still being produced. At the same time, the work has been praised by a large number of media, and some media even think that “Diablo: Immortal” is better than the original “Diablo”. In terms of payment methods, all game content of “Diablo: Immortal” is free, and for those players who don’t want to spend a penny, the game provides a free battle pass, and provides a large number of items in the form of props, currency and upgrade materials. award. .
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