
There is a new little tool as an app by Kenji Mouri called NanaGet as a download manager. He started revamping his old app Nagisa in 2021 due to issues with DPI scaling and more.

And that’s how the switch to XAML Islands and aria2 created NanaGet. It is currently the first version that has been released. So a lot will still happen. He also intends to create his own aria2 binary which will then natively support x64 and also ARM.

If Nana sounds familiar to you, we just had the post on NanaRun and of course NanaZip and now NanaGet joins the ranks.

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If you look at the development of Nagisa then you can be sure that NanaGet will not be just a simple download manager. But that will probably take a while. The app itself already offers the download of several files at the same time. Pause or delete and also a search is available. So stay curious.

Information and Download:

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