
Johnny Depp sues ex-wife Amber Heard for defamation: Depp wins The jury affirmed Depp’s three claims and ruled that Depp received $10 million in compensatory damages + $5 million in punitive damages, totaling $15 million; two of Heard’s three counterclaims were denied , one was affirmed, and received compensatory compensation of 2 million US dollars. But it is unclear whether Heard’s side will seek appeals or other forms of legal compensation. Depp is suing each other over an article Heard published in the Washington Post, in which Heard did not name Depp but wrote that he had become “a victim of domestic violence.” represent”. Depp, who believes the statement defamed him and damaged his reputation and career as an actor, is seeking $50 million in damages. Heard countersued for $100 million, alleging Depp slandered her by saying her allegations were a “hoax.” The trial was unveiled in mid-April this year and lasted for about a month and a half. Depp and Heard and their legal teams confronted each other. The two also testified in person in person. Heard said that Depp had repeatedly confronted himself.
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