
HowNet began to cry poor. Just recently, when another writer sued CNKI for infringement, the operator of CNKI said that it would really be “unaffordable” if it went on like this: even if it was only calculated at 200 yuan/thousand words, all the works of CNKI in the library Also need to pay 120 billion yuan. It is impossible for HowNet to have such a high profit from these works. As soon as the news came out, many netizens exploded: Why don’t you take too much money? Let’s see what happened. “The author, the journal and CNKI have a stable relationship.” According to upstream news, the plaintiff in this case is Hubei writer Chen Yingsong. It is not that he has not used CNKI before. He even downloaded some articles on CNKI for 10-30 yuan per article due to book editing and other work reasons. However, when he searched, he discovered that he had more than 300 articles included in CNKI, some of which had been downloaded hundreds of times. After learning that Professor Zhao Dexin from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law won the case, Chen Yingsong began to sue the operator of CNKI (“China Academic Journal (CD Version)” Electronic Magazine Co., Ltd.), and the case was heard on February 22 this year. eye .
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