
Since ancient times, people have been looking for ways, if not to ensure immortality, then at least to extend their lives. Modern medicine successfully helps to maintain health for many years. But the only correct formula for eternal youth has not appeared. The long-liver seems to be a kind of lucky man who won health and years in an invisible lottery. But in order to “break” the system and deceive the statistics, some effort is required. Genetics alone and luck and the rejection of bad habits cannot be dispensed with. It is worth listening to experts who give some practical advice. Healthy habits, not only related to nutrition and sports, can really extend our lives.

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Constant physical activity

Constant physical activity

No wonder they say that our whole life is movement. It is enough just to walk to work and back home on foot, as this will help the body. Of course, walking should be specific – not lazy and waddling, but energetic. After all, this way you can provide the body with the desired tone. Science dispassionately states that 12 minutes of physical activity every day has a positive effect on life expectancy, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease by 29%. But a clear effect will come from regular exercise.

The body needs constant physical activity, because the muscle mass of a person decreases with age. As a result, the skin becomes flabby, uneven. It would be best to choose interval training for yourself, alternating the load: running and walking, stretching and squats.

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Compliance with the regime

Compliance with the regime

A measured lifestyle means a lot. So you can optimally load our brain, including giving it time to rest. It is no secret that most people suffer from banal lack of sleep, this indirectly affects health, becoming a negative factor affecting life expectancy.

Sound healthy sleep is very important for health. Even if you go to bed on time, but at the same time wake up often, the areas of the brain responsible for the production of immunity cells do not have time to start their main work. Night work can help achieve some business goal, but not health. Our biological clock requires you to go to bed before 22:00. and wake up before 6 am.

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Find your hobby


People with hobbies are often looked at as weirdos. And in vain! After all, this is a great way to maintain interest in life during the transition to the third age. Hobbies can be anything: fishing, dancing, embroidery, quizzes, hiking. With them, life in retirement will not be boring!

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Explore the world around

Elderly man is reading

Everyone knows that people involved in science live longer. So, the title of candidate of sciences “bestows” on average an additional 5 years of life, and a doctoral degree – all 10. But if you are not related to science, you still should not be upset. Do research, the world around us is still unidentified. Even amateur delights will help maintain mental clarity in old age. Read books, learn new languages, explore unusual topics – there is always something new to learn.

Experts believe that cognitive exercises, including those related to scientific work, as well as simply learning new material (languages, objects) have a positive effect on the overall functionality of the brain.

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Communication with loved ones

Communication with loved ones

Most of us still can hardly be called loners – we all love the company, if not friends, then relatives. But spending time together is not only pleasant, but also useful. Communication with people close to us gives good emotions, and the formation of new social ties, according to scientists, helps to resist the inevitable age-related diseases.

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The right approach to nutrition


Gradually, people understand that it is important not only to eat, but also to choose the right food. The healthiest foods are fish and fruits. At the same time, you should not rush to the exotic, preference should be given to the products of your region of residence. If we talk about Russia, then the best fruit for us is an apple. Just one fruit a day will help maintain health.

Individual selection of nutrition is not a whim, but the next natural step in caring for your body. You need to know which foods can cause allergies or inflammation. In addition, there are products that are harmful in general to everyone. There is no escape from the mention of classic salt and sugar. In order to slow down the aging of the body and influence the processes of glycation (the interaction of proteins with sugars) in the right way, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of refined sugars. Fruits and vegetables are also best consumed not all year round, but during the ripening season.

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Don’t forget about safety

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Accidents are consistently among the most common causes of early death. Young people often ignore safety issues, relying carelessly on their own strength. Meanwhile, death can come suddenly to anyone who does not even flirt with it. Security measures are known to everyone, and yet many people use the phone while crossing the road or while driving.

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Avoid extremes

Golden mean

Leaning to one or the other extreme, it is better to choose something in between. No wonder Confucius called the “golden mean” a virtuous principle. Almost in all spheres of our activity sooner or later we have to make a choice. The same sports – no one denies their benefits, but it’s definitely not worth driving yourself and becoming obsessed.

So it is in nutrition. If you want to eat exceptionally healthy food, you can completely refuse from foods that allow you to enjoy food, and from the same salt. But is it worth it? Someone calculates the weight of dishes up to grams, enters calories into the application, losing other opportunities – the same common feast with relatives. So it is always worth looking for a balance in which you will be as comfortable as possible.

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