
Sina Technology News Beijing time on June 1 is the news that some podcast publishers host their content on the Spotify Megaphone platform, but recently the platform suddenly stopped service and listeners couldn’t get the content.The reason is that the platform security certificate expired, and the service resumed shortly after.

A Spotify spokesperson responded: “The outage on the Megaphone platform is related to our SSL certification. During the outage, customers will not be able to access the Megaphone CMS and podcast listeners will not be able to download podcast content from the Megaphone hosted publisher.”

An SSL certificate is required to establish a network connection between the server and the browser and app. Megaphone made a mistake and service was interrupted for hours before it was restored.

Megaphone, which inserts ads into podcasts, has become a key part of Spotify’s podcast business. Spotify to acquire Megaphone for $235 million in 2020.

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