
Recently, an article titled “After 57 days of closure, 84 kinds of herbs and 43 kinds of wild vegetables were found in the community”, which was widely screened on social media.

Recently, a blogger posted that the community has been closed for more than two months. When walking in circles in the community, he studied the wild weeds.

When he walks every day, he will first classify them, take photos and archive them, and then compare and collect information on the Internet. After 57 days, the results are astonishing. There are 86 kinds of weeds in the community.

The blogger divided these 86 plants into 8 groups, and each plant was marked with the number, family, and Latin name. Among them, 43 are edible, 6 are poisonous to plants, 7 are listed as invasive alien species, and 84 are medicinal.

The author of this article, Storm Yan, is a post-80s generation living and working in Shanghai. He said that he has been interested in plants since he was a child, and became even more obsessed when he entered junior high school. “I remember that in my third year of high school, when the schoolwork was heavy, I would take time out to make some plant notes. Looking back now, it’s actually quite crazy.”

He also said,His starting point is not to exhaust all the wild plants in the community, “it’s just a pleasure in the bitterness during that time. Now that the lockdown is about to be lifted, we have to start sorting and sorting.”

As for why he made such a strange analysis and summary of whether he can eat or not, he said; “I think this is the first reaction of many people when they face plants: whether they can eat it, whether it is useful, whether it is poisonous, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. …Facing plants, the reaction and attitude of a living body may change later, and I think this is more important.”

The man who was banned from eating the green belt found 84 kinds of herbs

Hashtag: foodie herbal plants

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