Microsoft Edge (stable) was updated to version 102.0.1245.30 yesterday. A total of 24 vulnerabilities were closed with this update. Three of these are Edge-specific updates. CVE-2022-30128, CVE-2022-30127 and CVE-2022-26905. The individual CVEs you can read here.
As always, the update comes automatically. But new guidelines have also been added.
- AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins – List of origins that allow all HTTP authentications
- OutlookHubMenuEnabled – Allows users to access the Outlook menu
- NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled – Enables the network service sandbox
- UserAgentClientHintsGREASEUpdateEnabled – Controls the GREASE update feature for user-agent client hints
All Microsoft Edge downloads also insiders:
- Microsoft Edge Stable (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android)
- Canary, Dev, Beta (Windows, macOS),
- Business: Microsoft Edge Stable, Beta and Dev (Windows, macOS:
- the portable versions: Portable Edge Updater
- Android:
- iOS:
- uninstall Microsoft Edge: If you didn’t install the Edge yourself, you can still remove the Edge if you want
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