As announced yesterday, we have just discovered a second trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Purple, first games of this ninth generation of creatures. While we hoped to have some answers about the gameplay of the title, especially after the revolution that was Pokemon Legends Arceusthe new images shared by The Pokemon Company once again turn out to be quite cryptic.
The trailer opens with the discovery of the two new teachers who will accompany you, as is the tradition, in your adventure: Olim and turum. We then see the very cute starters in action, before the trailer reveals what will undoubtedly be the main novelty of Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Purple : the possibility of connecting online with three of your friends and thus sharing the same adventure. To see if it will come down to visits from your friends in your world (like island tours in Animal Crossing: New Horizons) or if you can really share the same universe and the same adventure asynchronously, like in an MMO.
The gameplay of the fights of Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Purple, he seems to be going back to classic bases, with a UI that is, as it stands, not really successful, and the return of a more classic and inevitably slower turn-by-turn. Finally, note that the capture of Pokémon on the fly introduced by Arceus does not seem to be making a comeback in this new opus: even if the universe seems very attractive and the possibility of walking around in an open world is attractive, these possible steps back seem a bit regrettable insofar as the great fluidity of the experience introduced by the spin-off was its greatest strength, and something we would have liked to find in these new games.
As was the case in the first trailer, the graphics of Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Purple still sting a bit, but we won’t dwell too much on it for the moment, since it has plenty of time to evolve between now and the game’s release (as was the case for Pokémon Legends Arceus). We will instead emphasize the quality of the character design of the reptilian-looking Legendary Pokémon, named Koraidon (“korai” meaning “time immemorial” in Japanese) and Miraidon (“mirai” meaning “future”): this opposition is found in the design with a Pokémon with a tribal aspect, while the other has 777 reactors as legs. As usual, these will appear on the box of both versions of the game, the release date of which we now have, set as often to the week before Black Friday, i.e. Friday, November 18, 2022. You can now pre-order the games on theeShop.
The new Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Purple trailer
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