With the release of the month of June Animal Crossing: New Horizons receive one cambio in the fauna which we can buy and donate to the Scrates Museum, both in Spain and in the rest of the world. As is habitual, some bichos of the game is marching to regress in another poca del ao, while que some new appearances for we can deal with them.
Completing the huge collection of animals from the Scrates Museum is a huge area. Entran en juego factors such as apartheid hours, places and concrete zones, as hacerse con todos los bichos no es una activitad accilla. However, to hack a small ms fcil, a continuacin reunimos todos los bichos que hay available in June 2022 to star in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
All June 2022 bichos in AC: New Horizons
These are all bichos available in June 2022 in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Abeja melfera
- Meses: March, April, Mayo, June, July
- Hours: 8:00 17:00
- Lugar: About las flores.
- Price: 200.

- Meses: All the months.
- Hours: 19:00 8:00
- Lugar: Sacudiendo rboles.
- Price: 480.

- Meses: All the months
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: Sacudiendo rboles con panels.
- Price: 2500.
Cangrejo hermitao

- Meses: All the months
- Hours: 19:00 8:00
- Lugar: On the beach.
- Price: 1000.

- Meses: All the months.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: About the rocks when llueve.
- Price: 250.

- Meses: March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: About las red flowers.
- Price: 120.

Chinche acutica gigante
- Meses: April, May, June, July, August, September
- Hours: 19:00 8:00
- Lugar: In the stench and in the red.
- Price: 2000.
Dog with human rostrum

- Meses: March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October
- Hours: 19:00 08:00
- Lugar: In las flores.
- Price: 1000.

- Meses: January, February, March, April, Mayo, June, September, October, November, November, December.
- Hours: 17:00 23:00
- Lugar: Bajo las rocas al golpearla con la pala.
- Price: 300.

- Meses: January, February, March, April, Mayo, June, September, October, November, November, December.
- Hours: 23:00 16:00.
- Lugar: Bajo las rocas al golpearlas con la pala.
- Price: 250.

Arena Cochinilla
- Meses: All the months.
- Hours: 24 hours.
- Lugar: In the rocks of the beach.
- Price: 200.
Escarabajo ciervo arcoris

- Meses: June, July, August, September.
- Hours: 19:00 8:00.
- Lugar: In the rboles.
- Price: 6000.
Escarabajo joya

- Meses: Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: In the rboles.
- Price: 2400.
Escarabajo nadador

- Meses: Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre.
- Hours: 8:00 19:00.
- Lugar: In the red.
- Price: 800.
Escarabajo rosalia batesi

- Meses: Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: In rboles tokens.
- Price: 3000.
Escarabajo tigre

- Meses: February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 1500.
Escarabajo verde japons

- Meses: Junio, Julio, Agosto.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: In the rboles.
- Price: 200.
Scarlet violin

- Meses: Mayo, Junio, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: In the rboles.
- Price: 450.


Langosta alargada

- Meses: April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.
- Hours: 8:00 19:00.
- Lugar: En la hierba.
- Price: 200.
Liblula caballito del diablo

- Meses: April, May, June, July, August, September, October.
- Hours: 8:00 17:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 230.
Liblula tigre

- Meses: Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre.
- Hours: 8:00 17:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 4500.
Longicornio asitico

- Meses: All the months.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: In rbol tokens.
- Price: 350.

- Meses: June.
- Hours: 19:00 4:00.
- Lugar: In rbol tokens.
- Price: 300.
Mantis orqudea

- Meses: March, April, Mayo, June, July, August, September, October, November.
- Hours: 8:00 17:00.
- Lugar: In las flores.
- Price: 2400.

Religious mantis
- Meses: March, April, Mayo, June, July, August, September, October, November.
- Hours: 8:00 17:00.
- Lugar: In las flores.
- Price: 430.

Mariposa Emperador japons
- Meses: Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto.
- Hours: 4:00 7:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 3000.
Mariposa alas de Brooke

- Meses: January, February, April, Mayo, June, July, August, September, December.
- Hours: 8:00 17:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 2500.
Mariposa alas de pjaro

- Meses: Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre.
- Hours: 8:00 16:00.
- Lugar: About flores moradas, negras y azules.
- Price: 4000.

Mariposa bianor
- Meses: March, April, Mayo, June.
- Hours: 4:00 19:00.
- Lugar: About flores moradas, negras y azules.
- Price: 2500.

Mariposa celeste
- Meses: January, February, March, June, July, August, September, December
- Hours: 17:00 8:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 4000.
Mariposa colias

- Meses: March, April, Mayo, June, September, October.
- Hours: 4:00 19:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 160.
Mariposa papel comet

- Meses: All the months.
- Hours: 8:00 19:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 1000.
Mariposa comn

- Meses: January, February, March, April, Mayo, June, September, October, November, November, December.
- Hours: 4:00 19:00.
- Lugar: About las flores.
- Price: 160.

Mariposa narciso
- Meses: April, May, June, July, August, September.
- Hours: 8:00 17:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 3000.
Mariposa tigre

- Meses: March, April, Mayo, June, July, August, September.
- Hours: 4:00 19:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 240.
Mariposa tringulo azul

- Meses: March, April, Mayo, June, July.
- Hours: 4:00 19:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 300.

- Meses: March, April, Mayo, June, October.
- Hours: 8:00 17:00.
- Lugar: In las flores.
- Price: 200.

- Cmo cazar moscas?
- Meses: All the months.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: About comrade podrida y basura.
- Price: 60.

- Meses: June, July, August, September.
- Hours: 17:00 4:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 130.
Oruga de bolsn

- Meses: All the months.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: In the rboles.
- Price: 600.

- Meses: All the months.
- Hours: 19:00 4:00.
- Lugar: Alrededor de la luz.
- Price: 130.
Polilla atlas

- Meses: April, May, June, July, August, September.
- Hours: 19:00 4:00.
- Lugar: In the rboles.
- Price: 3000.
Polilla crepuscular

- Meses: April, May, June, July, August, September.
- Hours: 8:00 16:00.
- Lugar: Volando.
- Price: 2500.

- Cmo cazar pulgas?
- Meses: April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.
- Hours: All hours.
- Lugar: About infestated inhabitants.
- Price: 70.

- Meses: Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre.
- Hours: 8:00 19:00.
- Lugar: In the rboles.
- Price: 130.
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