
TikTok is testing a new tool with select users to ensure a distraction-free browsing experience on the platform. As TechCrunch confirmed, the new feature is called “cleanup mode” and cleans up screen clutter like captions and buttons for users scrolling through content in the app.

Twitter user Matt Navarra spotted this feature and shared screenshots. The screenshots show that when the cleanup mode is enabled, users will no longer see usernames, captions, or audio information. TechCrunch also notes that some users may even get rid of likes, comments, and reposts in order to have a clean and distraction-free browsing experience.

Users in the limited test who have access to cleaning mode will see this option when they touch and hold the screen. Once you do that, the Clear Mode setting will appear below the Add to Favorites button in the menu. Clicking on it will bring up a distraction-free view.


Recently, TikTok has been expanding its reach while staying ahead of its competitors. A lot of the features have been focused on creators, so it’s nice to see something user-centric. This should be a welcome feature of the platform as it creates a clutter-free environment for users. However, I don’t think this feature will be popular with creators since viewers in this mode can’t see their username or captions on their posts. It is not known when and if this feature will be available to all users.

More about TikTok:

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