
On May 31, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued an announcement on the reduction of vehicle purchase tax for some passenger vehicles: it pointed out that the purchase date is within the period from June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, and the price of (excluding value-added tax) 2.0-liter and below-displacement passenger cars (9 seats and below) not exceeding 300,000 yuan, the vehicle purchase tax will be halved. Benefited from the purchase tax reduction, sales in the auto market will also pick up in the future. Some car companies have followed up with additional benefits, and even directly subsidized 100% of the purchase tax for car owners. Owner wool. A few days ago, a blogger exposed a group of work group chat records of a Dongfeng Honda 4S shop. The supervisor issued an announcement saying: Starting from tomorrow, the prices of all models will be adjusted back, and the purchase tax will be reduced or exempted as much as possible. This also means that half of the purchase tax exempted by the state, 4S stores transfer it to their own profits by reducing disguised “price increases”. Compared with before the purchase tax reduction, car owners do not get a dime discount . At present, this matter has not been officially confirmed, and follow-up will continue to pay attention. In addition, some netizens exposed that they learned on May 31 that .
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