
IT House reported on May 1 that on April 24, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Huawei Xi’an Research Institute held a signing ceremony for Huawei’s genius youth. Jia Peng and Sun Feiyang, the 2022 doctoral graduates of the Department of Telecommunications of Xi’an Jiaotong University, were selected into Huawei’s “Genius Youth Program”. “. Previously, one doctoral student from Fudan University has been selected.

Huawei’s recruitment WeChat official account shows that Huawei recently launched a new round of “Genius Boys” recruitment plan. The recruitment information shows that Huawei does not limit the qualifications to the applicants, not limited to schools, but requires special achievements in mathematics, computer, physics, materials, chips, intelligent manufacturing, chemistry and other related fields and has the ambition to become a technology leader.

According to Huawei’s recruitment introduction, here, Huawei provides you with world-class challenging topics, Daniel mentors, global vision, platforms and resources, and 5+ times the salary. It is reported that,The salary of “genius boy” is paid according to the annual salary system, there are three grades, and the maximum annual salary is 2.01 million yuan.

Previously, Huawei introduced that from 2020 to 2021, Huawei will recruit about 26,000 fresh graduates, of which more than 300 are “genius boys” defined by Huawei. In 2022, Huawei plans to recruit more than 10,000 fresh graduates.

Huawei’s 2021 annual report shows that in 2021, Huawei will have about 107,000 personnel engaged in research and development, accounting for about 54.8% of the company’s total number of people. In 2021, Huawei’s R&D personnel will increase by 2,000 compared with the previous year.

Guo Ping once answered questions from reporters at Huawei’s 2021 annual performance briefing, saying that talent, scientific research, and innovation are the foundation for Huawei’s development. Huawei will increase the attraction of talents, especially top talents, at any time. To solve Huawei’s problems, it is necessary to Rely on talent.

IT House learned that Huawei Xi’an Research Institute has signed a total of 4 “genius boys” in the past three years, and all 4 students are from Xi’an Jiaotong University.

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