
Sam Raimi, the director of the original Spider-Man trilogy from the early 2000s, explained in an interview with Moviepilot exactly why there was no fourth part. After all, after the third part published in 2007, originally too Spider-Man 4 to come to the cinema. But only with The Amazing Spider-Man the brand returned to the silver screen in 2012. Raimi is currently celebrating with Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness his return as a director in the Marvel Universe. As part of the marketing of this film, Raimi of course conducts numerous interviews, in which questions are asked about the fourth part of the series, which will never be released.

problems in production

According to Raimi, there was already a script for the fourth part and accordingly the pre-production was already in full swing. However, deadlines are said to have presented a major problem for the project. Compared to Spider-Man 3, however, Raimi apparently didn’t want to compress his work on the fourth part for deadlines.

However, according to Raimi, he was unable to complete a satisfactory script in this period and accordingly made a suggestion to Sony: “So I said to Sony ‘I think it’s best if you guys continue with your alternate Spider-Man storyline because I don’t want to disappoint the audience’“.

In the past, fans and press alike assumed that the moderate reviews of the third part were partly to blame for the failure of the project. Apparently Raimi had planned to implement the antagonist Vulture in the film. The film was originally scheduled to hit theaters on May 6, 2011.

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