
from Karsten Scholz
We still owe you the German patch notes for the WoW hotfixes of June 2nd, 2022. There were dungeon boss nerfs and some bug fixes. Players who have unlocked the Dark Iron Heritage armor on one character can now also unlock the Dark Iron Heritage weapons and mount on other characters as well.

We still owe you the German patch notes for the WoW hotfixes of June 2nd, 2022. There were dungeon boss nerfs and some bug fixes. Players who have unlocked the Dark Iron Heritage armor on one character can now also unlock the Dark Iron Heritage weapons and mount on other characters as well.

screwed up 10 times! | These WoW bosses deserved more

WoW: Hotfixes from June 2nd, 2022 – German patch notes


  • magician
    • Fixed an issue where Mage Portals to Oribos were not visible to phased players.
  • Sorcerer
    • infirmity
      • The legendary effect ‘Malicious Wrath’ can once again be stacked up to 3 times.

items and rewards

  • Players who have unlocked the Dark Iron Heritage armor on one character can now unlock the Dark Iron Heritage weapons and mount on other characters.

The post German patch notes of the hotfixes from June 02, 2022 appeared first on Gamingsym.