recently,Microsoft Jingdong’s self-operated official flagship store is online to buy Surface and get XSX must-buy code activity,Players who need it can go to buy it.
Event address:Click here to view
The activity requires you to register at the customer service office after paying a deposit/spot to kill a specific model from May 23 to May 31, and the customer service will issue a must-buy code.
Jingdong customer service said,The must-buy code will be used from 20:00 on June 17th to 23:59:59 on June 18th. The must-buy code is limited to 700 pieces.until finished.
Microsoft officials have previously stated,The Xbox Series X is the fastest and strongest Xbox console ever.And the Xbox Series S is the smallest, sleekest Xbox console ever made.
In terms of configuration, both XSX/S are equipped with AMD 8-core processors. The difference between the two is only a small gap of 0.2GHz in core frequency. The former has 3.8GHz, while the latter is 3.6GHz.
In addition, the two models are different in GPU. The Xbox Series X is equipped with 52CU, the frequency reaches 1.825GHz, and the performance is as high as 12.15TFLOPS. The Xbox Series S has only 20CU, the frequency is 1.565GHz, and the performance is 4TFLOPS.
Hashtags: Xbox Series XMicrosoft Surface
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