IT House May 29 news, according to Motherboard, a hacker obtained a Verizon database containingFull names, email addresses, company ID numbers, and phone numbers of hundreds of Verizon employees.
The hacker contacted Motherboard last week to share information. The anonymous hacker said they obtained the data by persuading a Verizon employee to give them remote access to company computers. The hackers said they gained access to an internal Verizon tool that displayed employee information and wrote a script to query and scrape the database.
“These employees are idiots who will let you connect to their computers in the name of internal support,” the hacker said. The hackers want Verizon to pay them $250,000(about 1.6825 million RMB).
IT House learned that Motherboard confirmed that at least some of the data was correct by dialing a phone number in the database. Four people confirmed their full names and email addresses and said they work for Verizon. About a dozen other numbers returned voicemails containing names from the database, suggesting these were accurate too.
A Verizon spokesperson confirmed that hackers have been in contact with the company. The spokesman said: “We do not believe the fraudster has any sensitive information, so we do not intend to engage with them further. “
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