
Beijing time on May 27th news, Germany’s Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting Corporation (RBB) reported on Thursday, citing the local mayor, that Tesla has submitted an application to 100 meters east of its German factory. The factory was further expanded on the hectare plot, expanding the factory area by one-third.

Tesla already has 300 hectares of land under construction for its car and battery factories, according to Greenhead Mayor Arne Christiani, and the company plans to build a cargo terminal, logistics area and parking space. Tesla’s proposal will be discussed at a city council meeting on June 2.

Tesla’s Glen Hyde plant, which will start production in March 2022, can produce 500,000 electric vehicles a year at full capacity. The plant has previously suffered a series of licensing delays, leading Tesla CEO Elon Musk to complain that it runs counter to the urgency needed to tackle climate change.

Tesla has yet to comment.

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