May 24, 2013: Apple iTunes stops downloading movie trailers from its site. This is due to major changes that have taken place in the system for providing user-generated digital content.
The ability to download movie trailers was first made available on the Apple website in the late 1990s with the release of QuickTime 5 software. higher resolution.
However, with the advent of streaming services such as YouTube and Netflix, the number of downloads began to decline significantly.
Transition to video streaming and decline in interest in trailers with iTunes
After the release of the iMac G3, and the launch of the Apple Store online store, which was very popular, the film studios did not stop Apple from showing their trailers, although the company did not pay them for the content. It was a mutually beneficial partnership as Apple increased interest in its services and film companies successfully used them as free advertising.
A little over a decade later, the situation has changed somewhat. While Apple continues to offer movie trailers for download via iTunes, YouTube, launched in 2005, and the new streaming service Netflix, which continues to dominate the cinematic content market, are gaining popularity.
Apple recently took a new path, ditching iTunes and launching its Apple TV+ streaming service, though it focuses more on original shows and movies than off-the-shelf offerings.
The post iTunes trailer download closes appeared first on Gamingsym.