Pokmon GONiantic’s popular ttulo, is nearing the end of its time at Alola and the Liga Combates GO and is planning for it is the same domingo un new Da de Combates GO very special load of Polvo Estelar and the possibility of use, first of all, our Pokemon megaevolucionados in dichos combates. If we are interested in all the details of this new event, please pay attention and continue to contact all of them details and details programadas.
To celebrate the mega-evolution of Pokemon GO and only during one day, the Trainers will be able to use the Pokemon mega-evolution in the League Master Ball of the Combat GO League!
Ms informacin: https://t.co/sbh7ze8tZQ pic.twitter.com/tqnW9MJ6jT– Pokmon GO Espaa (@PokemonGOespana) May 23, 2022
Evento Da de Combates GO (May 2022) in Pokmon GO: Fechas y horas
The new Da Combates GO event from May 2022 for Pokmon GO will be extended the next day and hours:
- The event event: Sunday, May 29, 2022 at 00:00 (local time).
- The event ends: Sunday, May 29, 2022, 23:59 (local time).
Tened to account that mientras during the event the following leagues are active: Master Ball League, Ultra Ball League and Super Ball League.
Event bonuses and prizes
This new event from Da de Combates GO in May of 2022 has become the main feature of the news that we can use Pokemon megaevolucionados in the League Master Ball. Obviously, to be able to use it in this state has mega-revolutionary prevalence.
Adems de eso, estos son los principal bonus who are active:
- The maximum number of series that can be played on pass from 5 to 20 (for a total of 100 combats).
- El cudruple by Polvo Estelar of the premiums to win.
The same Niantic ha hecho hincapi en que habr otro Special prize for the avatar at the end of the series of League Combates GO of this season. We know that the Contractors who complete a series in any rank during this of Combates GO get Gladio pants for the avatar (eso s, los Entenadores que ya hayan recibido los pantalones de Gladio para el avatar gracias a los premiumios del rango 20 no recibirn otros).
Pokmon GOis available free for Android and iOS from 2016. If you want to know more details of the title, please consult our complete gua with tricks and tips.
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