
nintendo keep updating the page eShop of Splatoon 3ahead of its still planned release for next September 9and has just confirmed that the game will, unlike Splatoon 2compatible with the service of cloud backup data. This service, available only to subscribers Nintendo Switch Online allows, among other things, to keep a copy of all its backups (except for a handful of games nintendo-switch) in the cloud servers nintendo and thus to keep a backup backup out of reach of all hazards.

Only the page eShop of Splatoon 3 allows itself a precision of size all the same:

Save Data Cloud is only compatible with offline game data

But what does this precision on the part of nintendo ? It would seem that the data that will be kept by nintendo will only concern the single player mode of Splatoon 3 and maybe your level, but not your online performance and probably not your unlocked gear. This is still a step in the right direction when we remember that Splatoon 2 did not offer any saves in the cloud.


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