Thank you IT home netizens rocspike The clue is delivered!

IT House news on May 21, yesterday, Tencent released the official version update of QQ Music macOS version 8.2.0,Compatible with Apple M1 systemthe new version is now available on the Mac App Store.

In version 8.2.0,QQ Music also adds volume balance settingssupports coordinating playback volume between different songs, and fixes bugs and optimizes user experience.

IT House learned that the financial report for the first quarter of 2022 shows that Tencent’s number of paid members in music has increased to 80 million.

Furthermore, currentlyApple’s new Mac devices feature Apple Silicon architecture chips, including M1, M1 Max, M1 Pro, M1 Ultra chips. Apple had previously planned for Macs to transition from Intel architecture to Apple Silicon architecture over a two-year period.

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