
Instagram Stories has definitely been a hit and some people really enjoy sharing everything they do with these 24 hour photos and videos. However, the social network is now testing a new Stories layout that hides redundant posts, which is bad news for creators.

Phil RieselA Brazilian Instagram user (via Tecnoblog) noticed that the Instagram app now only shows three stories that other people have shared.

Currently, users can post 100 stories at a time. While this number should remain the same despite the change, users who receive the update must click the “Show All” button to see the rest of the stories. Otherwise, Instagram moves on to the next person’s stories.

This brings significant changes to how Instagram Stories works. Since some people are used to tapping the screen to see all stories from an account at once, this will not be possible after the update. For creators, this means that any posts after the third story are likely to have fewer views.

At the same time, limiting the number of stories displayed in the app should allow users to view posts from more people faster if they are not interested in that content.

At the moment, it appears that only a small subset of users have received the update with the new Stories layout, so it’s likely that Instagram is still testing these changes before rolling them out to all users. Of course, these changes can never be implemented for everyone.


While this update seems a bit aggressive, it might make users think more about what they post on Instagram. But then again, there are a lot of creators who rely on Instagram as a work tool, so the update will definitely have a negative impact on those people.

see also

Do you think this update is positive or negative? Let us know in the comments below.

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