
At around 2 am today, Apple just released the official version of iOS 15.5. The version number is the same as the previous iOS 15.5 RC version. In addition to some regular upgrades and bug fixes, this time the iPhone baseband has been upgraded to improve the signal performance. .

Apple says that iOS 15.5 optimizes Apple Cash to better request and send money to Apple Cash cards in wallets.

Additionally, there’s a new feature in Apple Podcasts to help you preserve iPhone storage, and some HomeKit-specific bug fixes.

iOS 15.5 includes the following updates and bug fixes:

Wallet app now allows Apple Cash card users to send and receive money

Podcasting app will limit episodes stored on iPhone and automatically delete old episodes

Fixed an issue where the automated program in the Home app could not accurately identify location information, causing it to fail.

Upgrade baseband to 1.61.00 to improve iPhone signal performance

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Xianruiarticle error correction

Hashtags: iPhoneMobileAppleiOS

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