
Announced in 2018 and regularly postponed, Digimon Survive finally looks ready to go. The title has been confirmed for a worldwide release this summer, and fans of the franchise just have to wait two months to get their hands on it. Until then, we expect Bandai Namco to unveil new images, and this is indeed the case with this (short) gameplay sequence released tonight.

Agumon bares his fangs

If these images are reassuring about the progress of the development, do not expect a long video. This sequence was broadcast during Rulicon 2022, a Korean event, and shows us some in-game visuals. After an introduction with Kazumasa Habu, producer of the title, we see Takuma Momozuka with Agumon in combat before this one makes a first digi-evolution in Greymon.

We are faced with a turn-based tactical RPG where you have to think intelligently about your placements since depending on your angle of attack, this can allow you to take the advantage and inflict additional damage. The game sequence starts at 2min23 in the videoafter Habu-san’s speech and is only available in Korean language (with the Japanese voices presented at the game’s release).

See you on July 29, 2022 for the release of Digimon Survive on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

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