
IT House news on May 14, according to China National Nuclear Corporation, on May 13, my country’s largest nuclear power base in operation—— Fuqing Nuclear Power, a subsidiary of China National Nuclear Corporation, has accumulated safe power generation of 200 billion kWh.

▲ Source: China National Nuclear Corporation

According to CNNC, this is equivalent to a cumulative saving of 62.4 million tons of standard coal consumption, a reduction of 160 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, a reduction of 500,000 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions, and the planting of about 1.4 billion trees.

According to reports, Fuqing Nuclear Power plans to build 6 million-kilowatt nuclear power units in stages. Units 1-4 were put into commercial operation from 2014 to 2017, respectively. Units 5 and 6 are Hualong No. 1 demonstration projects using my country’s independently developed and designed third-generation pressurized water reactor nuclear power technology with complete intellectual property rights.

On January 30, 2021, Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit 5, the world’s first reactor at Hualong No. 1, was put into commercial operation and maintained safe operation; on March 25, 2022, Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit No. 6 was put into commercial operation, and the Hualong No. 1 demonstration project was fully completed and put into operation. .

IT House understands that China National Nuclear Corporation data shows that,Fuqing Nuclear Power’s 6 units have a total installed capacity of 6.678 million kilowatts,Annual power generation capacity exceeds 50 billion kWhbecoming the nuclear power base with the largest installed capacity in China.

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