Offered by U-tad
Howl of Iron, Masked: The Deadpan Cry y Nox his three games that he presented to the press and that he killed had one week in the Masters in Video Game Programming, Game Design and Art and Diseo Visual Video Games of U-tad. For these projects, which include the master trades of the students of this course, they are divided into three teams of students of the students to create multidisciplinary groups that replicate with the possible fidelity mayor the operation of a real video game studio.
In the “method U-tad“ the alumni choose their projects and take all the relevant decisions while completing the hits which has markets. As indicated in the presentation of the games the director of Video Game Projects of U-tadFrancisco Javier Maki Soler, adems to replicate the relationship between the programming departments, art and design that hay in a studio, the alumni counting “with a support team, in which Olga [Zhuravleva] owner of what we call an academic producer. The projects have ten the same phases as a real development; now we are in the pre-production, after the concept “. I understand that the three studies he taught the basics of the game and now he is working on all the necessary systems and mechanics, in addition to defining the details
Howl of Iron, a story of revenge protagonized by a male lobe mechanic
One Howl of Ironof the studio 16 Gearsthe protagonist is Vincent Volk, an engineer who lost to his family for the sake of the carbognesis, a disease produced by the contamination of the Red Gear company, which controls with man free the city in which it crosses the road, Steamfall.
Volk is looking for revenge and for her transferred his conscience to a male lobe mechanic which he built the same, and he converted into a ser that lucha in solitary. For 16 Gears it’s important to transmit the character’s force sensation, “all the world knows about the lobe, knowing that it’s brutal and the power we want to transmit”, dice

Volk se mover con soltura por la ciudad saltando de un edificio a otro para ir acabando con los enemigos, pero solo podr enfrentarse a la vez a un nmero limitado; when haya ms of four rivals deber huir pasando del combate al sigilo, which in this case is convened in a Caza mode with the bsqueda of new ones with those that acabar. “As we plant a sail on us, from irte escondiendo, we must approve the moments where we have not been able to execute well fast and execute a French combat, the seal passes to a second plane, if we intend to do so it’s good and not like anything separate “, says Fernndez.

Masquerade: The Deadpan Cry a survival horror that seeks to remove social conscience
The studio Spiky Duck is working in Masquerade: The Deadpan Cryun survival horror first person in which the player finds Catalina, a young man who intends to take part in the cabaret in which he is forced to work as bailarina in the 20 of the sailing voyage. It’s the metaphor of what can be found some women, if the game has social critique intent. To get married, I have to ask everyone to rent an object to be able to access it madame of cabaret while avoiding the trapping of local workers, it can not attack directly.

About the local pesa a maldicin; al entrar en l se coloca una mscara blanca about the person and this detail has an important key: “every time you enter the cabaret you give a song and, while you are watching the time, that song, initially planned, turns into an animal, which affects your aspect fsico y when you are a person and do not have to take an aspect of the animal that you put on the screen “, affirms Javier Morales, designer of Spiky Duck. If, customers are looking for gifts, employees of the madame -que es un buitre-, en cerdos y las bailarinas cada una en un animal.

The narrative and exploration are key in Masquerade, it’s best to meet new passersby when Catalina acquires new abilities like a better audition or one of the stations, related, in his case, with a street. This regression zone is explored to access the new zones being one of the main ones to which Spiky Duck enrolls, which is composed of 6 programmers, other disdainers and 4 artists.

Spiky Duck’s full-time, back-and-forth Izquierda performers: Isabel Gonzlez Serna, Luis Antonio Nez Lpez, Mario Corral-Munoz Garcia and Rubn Martnez Lpez; the designers Sergio Lpez Serrano, Julia Barbern Garca, Alexandrine Aranda Toledo, Iigo Gonzlez de San Romn Antoln, Javier Morales Lpez and Thibaut Lopez and the programmers Fernando Calderon Diaz, Borja Lpez Daz, Paula Cabezas Carreo, Manuel Jess Segura Jaul and Luis Miguel De La Torre Doval
Nox, an onric puzzle game in which you can superb labyrinthine pesadillas
Noxthe project he created The Buua Studio has a psychological foundation. It’s a puzzle game and terror in the first person to deal with “the traumas that have afflicted a nine which is malpractice, and cmo the judge has that he travs the pesadillas that his consequence of this advancing by all the subconscious of nio “, summary lvaro Herreros, diseador de Nox.
The judge is aware of the therapeutic process that accompanies the presence and actions of Gabi (a protagonist who has no definite gender). asumiendo que esas heridas y los patrones son parte de su vida and he can beat the abusers because of his mother and the abandonment of his father, according to Herreros.

Its creators search that the player is constantly trying to solve first person puzzles in worlds created in infantile pesadillas and inspired by the work of artist Maurits Cornelis Escher, because it tends to be impossible forms and with gaps with those that pregnancy and change. The sight that Gabi felt was reflected in the visual form on the level. He solves puzzles of labyrinths and perspectives and approaches the pesadillas making use of his own abilities. Las pesadillas son Learn how to solve puzzles modifying the levels has to mean that the successor to the protagonist describes the traumas he or she is experiencing.
The real world is, in theory, a safe place to live Gabi has overtaken a level, but if he did it because he had fallen in the game, he could have acted as the parlisis del sueo which impedes to take control of the situation. Gabi uses the art as an emotional escape, collecting dibujos at the level for projectors and generating new content.

Pie: The team that works at Nox. De izquierda a derecha en la fila superior: Kai Garca Hernndez (arte), Roque Bru Navarro (diseo), Juan Paulino Arias Botella (Programacin), Rubn Orea Arribas (Programacin), Juan Ignacio Croche Andreu (Diseo), Christian Ortega Olombrada ( Arte), Sergio Rodrguez Rodrguez (Arte), Jaume Sanz Sempere (Diseo) and Aitor Gallego Campos (Diseo). In the lower file: Rita Aldea Mas (Arte), lvaro Herreros Riaza (Diseo), Arnzazu Mozos Fernndez (Arte), Andrs Prez Martnez (Programacin), Celia Cifuentes Fernndez (Diseo), Elena Pinedo Ruiz (Programacin), Mara Alfonso Teid (Program) and Alberto Mata Espiga (Program).
The team at the university center will try to complete the hits and offer enough quality. In October, the three teams will be joining the TFM, which will be a playable demo that will show the possibilities of its games. From thatU-tad -Addressed at the University of Camilo Jos Cela- develops this method for students to work in the real world, some of them play games with their masters in video games are converted into commercial video games; is the case, for example, of Rollin ‘Bob, Khara, Intruders: Hide and Seek O Windfolk.
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The post I was born in U-tad the three projects of the masters of this year appeared first on Gamingsym.