
As announced by People Can Fly, the studio is currently working on five new projects. Among them “Project Gemini”, which is created in cooperation with the Japanese publisher Square Enix.

As part of a recent announcement, the developers at the Warsaw, Poland-based developer studio People Can Fly looked to the future and announced that they are currently working on five new projects.

For one thing, we’re dealing with a title that’s in development under the working title “Project Gemini” and is being funded by Japanese publisher Square Enix. As was the case with the role-playing shooter Outriders, Square Enix will be in charge of both distribution of the title and control of the brand.

Currently, Project Gemini is slated for a 2024 release, which may indicate that the title will be released for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S while leaving out the older generation of consoles.

Collaboration with Take-Two Interactive confirmed

Number two in the bunch is Project Dagger, a triple-A action role-playing game in partnership with Take-Two Interactive that has a budget of $40-$60 million. Here, too, those responsible at People Can Fly are assuming a release in 2024. “Bifrost”, on the other hand, is a self-financed title that has not yet been given a release period. In addition, there are the two projects “Victoria” and “RED”, which are still in a very early stage of development.

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Finally, People Can Fly discussed the future strategy of the company. We have summarized the most important information for you in the following overview.

  • Further development of the group’s existing intellectual property and creation of new intellectual property rights in new game development projects to strengthen the group’s self-publishing potential.
  • Continuation of the business model adopted by the group, which consists in the parallel development of several triple A games in partnership with the world’s leading publishers.
  • Strengthening of the global People Can Fly brand as the leading independent AAA game developer.
  • Further specialization in the development of triple-A games to position the group among the world’s leading developers of AAA action games.

More People Can Fly news.

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The post Five new projects from the Outriders creators in the works appeared first on Gamingsym.