
The third generation Formula E car takes several technology lives. Among other things, it must be able to run 40 percent of a race on its braking power recovery.

Seven manufacturers have announced that they will participate in the FIA’s ninth edition of Formula E, the electric variant of Formula 1. These are Porsche, Maserati, Jaguar, Nissan, DS Automobiles (Citroen’s luxury spin-off) and Indian Mahindra Racing and NIO 333 – which goes under the British-Chinese flag. It writes the FIA ​​in its press release. They will run Gen3.

An addition to the new electric car is a second engine on the front axle, with a peak delivery of 250 kW. The power limit of the electric driveline is thus moved from the previous 250 kW (340 hp) to 350 kW (475 hp), which is the peak value of the rear engine. This means that the top speed lands at 322 km / h, compared to the previous 280 km / h.

In the competition, all cars have the same chassis, batteries and tires, but there is a certain freedom of choice around gearboxes and electric motors – however, with restrictions on power. There are also rules set for the car’s dynamics.

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During hard braking, the battery pack gets access to the driveline’s full power, 600 kW (815 hp). The new brake force recovery is twice as efficient as with the previous generation, and according to the FIA, the cars will be able to run at least 40 percent of each race on recycled energy. The system is so potent that the hydraulic brakes have been removed from the rear wheels.

During the cars’ pit stop, the batteries from Williams Advanced Engineering will be able to be “flash charged” at 600 kW. This means that the competitions can be done longer than the current limit of 45 minutes plus 1 lap.

Sustainability is of course an important chapter. Spark Race Technology, which developed the chassis, now uses some carbon fiber that has been recycled from the previous generation’s cars, which will reduce the body’s carbon footprint by ten percent. Michelin is being replaced as a tire supplier by Hankook, which promises 26 percent recycled fiber in its soles.

Read more: The “Gymkhana” rally driver switches to an electric car

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