
Apex Legends Grand Protector Newcastle details his abilities in a gameplay video. A hero focused on healing and defense who will be the 21st Legend of Season 13 Rescue.

Apex Legends Season 13, Rescue, will launch on May 10. And with it, the new Newcastle Legend. Who is he ? What is his profile? We see this with a new gameplay video.

Introducing the new Legend of Apex Legends

NewcastleWhere Jackson Williams of his state, is a father who finds himself in spite of himself in the skin of the hero of Harris Valley. Having witnessed the death of Newcastle, the original one, after an appointment that went wrong with thugs, Jackson Williams takes the place of the deceased to serve his city and participate in the Apex Games.

Defender of the underdog and undisputed hero of Harris Valley, Newcastle comes crashing down on the Apex Games in Apex Legends – Rescue, but only a few people know the man behind the mask. A fierce protector of its small town of origin, Newcastle has developed a resolutely defensive style of play. To continue to protect the people of Harris Valley, Newcastle will have to face the most difficult of challenges: surviving the Apex Games.

Newcastle will be the 21st Legend to join the cast and he will have three abilities to make a difference.

  • Passive Ability “War Medicine” : Newcastle will pull out its revive shield to revive a teammate while fending off enemy fire
  • Touch Skill “Moving Shield” : This allows the character to generate a stationary energy shield. Ideal for advancing on the front line, retreating or protecting your squad
  • Ultimate Ability “Fortified Wall” : after a leap in the air, Newcastle will be able to plant his shield in the ground and “to erect a real fortress”

The evolution of the Storm Zone map

In addition to Newcastle, Apex Legends Season 13 Rescue will revamp the Storm Zone map. Changes induced by the attack of a creature on this tropical island. There will be a new point of interest, a giant carcass “The slain creature”, an organic combat zone and a new architectural layout. Finally, IMC armories will be scattered in four places on the map. According to Respawn Entertainment, this should have a definite impact on combat.

Apex Legends is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.

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